
For The Police Record is my latest attempt to resolve what I regard as some important issues.

The biggest issue, being a religious cult of global proportions fabricating, that-is "inventing" a false messiah.

Clearly, to those who can think, this, if true, is an enormous issue, indeed, an enormous crime, not just against the poor sod they "chose" to play their puppet, to play "Jesus returned", but against everyone who has been conned, convinced seduced or hypnotized to believe it.

As the religious cult is non-other than the Catholic church, and, somewhat amazingly, in collusion with the Freemasons, and other cults of huge follower numbers, from Britain and India, the crime of deceiving people into believing Jesus has returned, is, in classically appropriate terms "of Biblical proportions"!

I've been suspicious that much was happening behind my back, in my own family, amongst so-called "friends" and across the various workforces I've been employed in, for decades now.

But it wasn't until about 2004 that I started having a serious look into the mystery of my own life.

In what follows, I try once more, to put together the evidence, with a lot of conjecture, speculation and assumption, surrounding this extremely dangerous GLOBAL crime.

By "GLOBAL", I mean that when the subject, and the evidence and the "conspiracy" are all weighed-up, they amount to perhaps "the largest crime against Humanity", since we began walking the Earth.

Being in the very centre of this deception, it is to be expected that I might see it this way.

I named this "blog" For The Police Record, because I am so shocked by what I have uncovered in the last decade and longer, about myself, my family, and the other players involved, that I prefer that the coppers read it themselves, and go about exposing the criminals, passed and present, and finally put a stop to the ongoing deception which are the modern Catholic, Christian religions, and even Jewish, or at least a later invention known as the "Zionist" movement, as well as those other cults who have willingly participated, now for well over one hundred years, and, LEAVE ME ALONE, (I say with jocular emphasis)!

But the bottomline under all of this is no joke, and as the Victorian Police seem to have had something of an awakening as to who are correct in terms of religious authority, that-is, "CULTURAL authority", that-is, what Values a psychologically Healthy Community, Society, Nation and World need-must recognize and seek to operate upon, perhaps the fraudulent cults behind my victimization, and behind steering the whole world astray, will at last, be brought to account, and to Justice?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

“Psychopaths can't say 'sorry'!”

“Psychopaths can't say 'sorry'!”
(unquote, ABC LNL 10:50pm Wednesday night, 24th March 2010, guest with Philip Adams on 'Psychopathology').

A few comments following an interesting discussion on ABC Rad Nats "Late Night Live",
by Omaxa bin News-Chop.OM
in the chair for OpenSourceGovernmentPolicy.OM

The line “psychopaths can't say 'sorry'”, says a lot about the Catholic church's abuses, and about my own mothers mental condition.

It also says a lot about the hubristic politicians of the “Protestant” GW Bush administration, whose response to exposed policy decision mistakes such as the “Iraq war” was “moving forward!”

Being unable to say sorry, or being unable to apologise for mistakes or wrong behaviour, is a trait common to “witches”, because to say 'sorry' is to admit error in thinking and or in action, which challenges and undermines their confidence. And confidence is fundamental to maintaining one's “magic” aura and it's defenses.

To witches, in society, 'megalomania' is part-and-parcel of keeping their power, so one way one can tell if someone is a witch, is to watch them defend themselves when challenged.

If they avoid the subject, and any questions, and if they respond with assertive anger as a defense, especially to the point of becoming threatening and violent, then witchcraft is influencing their mind. Usually, it is not their own witchery, but that of their known or unknown “puppet-master's”.

Witchcraft, is rarely used with Honesty, because witchcraft demands that one inflates one's opinions and beliefs about oneself, and these usually become inflating in and of every other belief of or approach to events and things, and to other people around us.

It seems witchcraft is the art of knowing everything.

So in conversation, one has to be able to answer any question and be able to proffer an explanation for whatever is presented, which, as most people who practice witchcraft have not achieved the highest level of Full Enlightenment, so, are not One with the All Knowing Supreme Spirit, cannot give the truthful answer to most questions, gibberish and running-off-at-the-mouth, making-it-up-as-you-go, bullshit and loud verbose speech and social domination is the regular way for a witch to maintain their self-esteem and “position” of 'respect' amongst the group, or coven.

These traits dominate much in today's social groups, and are deadly to the Intellect, and to the educing and communication of Wisdom to a group and across a society.

Such forceful behaviour in groups from one individual to one or more others, also carries it's own 'spells' which impact upon the receiving Soul's 'sphere' or aura, and this trait can then become part of the impacted Soul's behaviour.

These are anti-intelligence spells, and are ways of forcing what is not true into the mind of another.

In a society like Australia's, where untrue beliefs have been forced into us for at least 202 years, by the same methods of witchcraft, since the most devastating political event of the infamous “Rum Rebellion” of 1808, led by the psychopathic witch, John Macarthur, we are in a constant state of war, between those who are entranced, across the generations, to support his cemented corruption of the laws, in a series of utterly destructive and again, anti-intellectual beliefs, and then laws and customs about how society works, and a new class of Warriors who have found WHAT Good Government requires - Proper Scientific Laws - Laws which can be supported with Impartial Scientific Inquiry, analysis, and deductions which lead to irrefutable conclusions. Economic conclusions.

However, finding the truth behind and within any such Laws, in Economics and in Society, is terminally impeded by the abuse of witchcraft, such that the witch's untruths forced upon our “psychic sphere” or Soul are also 'designed' to prevent us from both deconstructing the incantation, and from “hearing”, properly analyzing and accepting the truthful Laws.

In this war, both soft and hard inducements are 'deployed', by both sides.

Bribes, promises of wealth-and-social 'security' and threats of the opposites, are used.

When a situation presents itself to those who are called to play an active role where passive conversation is not seen to bring success, it is, for those who are on the side of Scientific Economic and Social Laws, and the business of “Law Reform”, necessary to resort to the earlier mentioned assertive traits as used by witches.

This, it seems, is because those they are “feuding” against, are themselves deafened by the corrupt beliefs and laws. But really, they are deafened by the witchery which put those corrupt and flawed, untrue beliefs in their minds in the first place.

This is the common fallen condition of the western mind, by all accounts, and has it's genesis in the mainstream cults - Catholicism and Christianity in general.

Christianity has nothing to do with “God” or Jesus “the son of God”

Christianity is all about witchcraft, or the abuse of it.

Jesus, most know, was a Witch.

By most accounts, he was a Good, or White Witch, and had no evil intentions or psychopathic ideals, beliefs or desires for His “fellow man” or woman.

Jesus, whose name was Yeshua ben Joseph, was himself a puppet of the Rabbis of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is likely they were corrupt, and were either of his disparaged “Sadducees and Pharisees”, and had clearly captured his mind and Soul from an early age.

Christianity's “high priests” of recent times, high only so far that the majority were/are so far below them in terms of “insider knowledge” on what the cult was/is actually about, preach that He was the son of God, but spread belief in him, so that as many people, as many minds as possible, would ideate His manifestation, or, His RE-manifestation. This is magic or witchcraft at work, and is not the calling for the marketed version, but is an occult call, an occult way of fabricating a “super-witch”.

This is what the high priests, themselves quite a lot lesser or below any Condition of Full Spiritual Enlightenment, see their own kind, the white, western “lost sheep” or flock, need, to lift them out of the pit, the ancients of their own elite classes of high priests have dropped us all in.

We, or our ancestors, were quite deliberately “dropped in the pit” of psychic ignorance, so that we were blind, so we would be happy being slaves to their grand global plans.

As with this kind of ignorant use of witchcraft, ideals were inflated, and contorted, until, at some point in Humanity's inevitable inter-fusion and growing more and more together, absolute power offered itself to the dominant dynasties, until they saw that such a “superwitch” could also bring and guarantee them, continued economic dominance. And economic dominance of the whole world.

What they may have failed to expect, or see coming, is that any such “superwitch”, who graduated beyond their own low, or entranced state of mind, to the level where the Super-witch was Divining the sought-after Wisdoms, would come to recognise how fallen the puppet masters were, and then would, following Truth, and, rejecting the false doctrines and ideations and beliefs preached and practiced, would turn against them by both exposing them, and by throwing all the facts about erring psychologies back at them!

To the point where even their ideations about a Superwitch, or, in the preachers false terminology - “a returned Jesus”, are exposed as false and based not on what the masses need, but on what the elites desire, to keep their status, dominance and wealth.

As well as exposing them as thoroughly corrupt, the superwitch also exposes them and their false ideologies as terminal for life of the species and of most all life on Earth.

Therefore, the Superwitch deduces that his only option, all things considered, is to deploy his witchcraft against those who have made him the, their, superwitch, and destroy their culture, which may mean he has, for the sake of life beyond this planet, to destroy the planet.

Not his preferred option, but as the evidence, as at 2010 CE, shows clearly that the culture and accepted customs promoted and marketed and allowed by those elites who bred him, has taken the planet to the point of environmental collapse, he is left with next to no choice.

As their psychopathology is so intense, and apparently so incurable, such that they can't even say "sorry" let alone do anything to remedy the errors, the superwitch, who has also traveled beyond the Earth to other solar systems and to other planets sustaining Intelligent life, recognises the threat the puppet masters and elites of Earth pose to the rest of the galaxy, and thus knows that, they must be heavily and urgently constrained, perhaps even exterminated.

Also, he would prefer that they woke up from their self-imposed trances and began to behave the way Humans must behave.

However, they are so self-absorbed and thus, like the witch who cannot say “sorry”, cannot correct their manners, their customs, their traditions and laws, so bring their own annihilation upon themselves, and, because of the scale of their errant culture, the annihilation of the vast majority of Humanity.

If only they could say “sorry” and mean it, to the point of effecting Wise and Intelligent Corrections in their Laws?

As they refuse, it is left up to the Righteous Warriors to cut them down to size.

The soft, western upper classes will see Actions to this end as horror.

The Wise, Impartial Warriors will see it as Justice!

It is time the psychopaths who head the dominant cults on Earth stepped down, and admitted their mental illnesses, and accepted their fate.

Humanity must evolve, and evolve fast.

As the dominant western cults appear incapable of seeing and repairing their own psychopathologies, then they must be brought to see and repair, and dispel them.

The false Jesus, bred to play Superwitch, must be allowed to rest, so He is not forced to employ his Powers.

So too, false beliefs about God, must be laid to rest.

Rise Up, the Righteous Warrior for Green, Global, Economic Justice!

It;s now for EVERYONE, to Know The True Laws, and be Sovereign.

Our Soils Our Own!

False religion is dead.

Now, St Joseph's, and mother? About saying “SORRY”?

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